
The queryContent composable provides methods for querying and fetching your contents.

Create a query builder to search contents.

// Create a query looking for anything in content/ directoryconst contentQuery = queryContent()// Create a query looking into content/articles directoryconst contentQuery = queryContent('articles')// Create a query looking into content/articles/nuxt3 directoryconst contentQuery = queryContent('articles', 'nuxt3')


  • query:
    • Type: Partial<QueryBuilderParams>
    • Required

Filter results by query.

Where queries are based on subset of Mongo query syntax, it handles: $eq, $ne, $gt, $gte, $lt, $lte and $in

// Implicit (assumes $eq operator)const articles = await queryContent('articles').where({ title: 'Home' }).findOne()// Explicit $eqconst articles = await queryContent('articles').where({ title: { $eq: 'Home' } }).findOne()// $gtconst articles = await queryContent('articles').where({ age: { $gt: 18 } }).find()// $inconst articles = await queryContent('articles').where({ name: { $in: ['odin', 'thor'] } }).find()

In order to filter in objects and an array or arrays, you can use the nested properties style:

const products = await queryContent('products').where({ 'categories': { $contains: 'top' } }).find()const products = await queryContent('products').where({ 'categories': { $contains: ['top', 'woman'] } }).find()


  • options
    • Type: object
    • Required

Sort results by a field or fields.

// Sort by title ascendingconst articles = await queryContent('articles')  .sort({ title: 1 })  .find()// Sort by title ascending first then sort by category descendingconst articles = await queryContent('articles')  .sort({ title: 1, category: -1 })  .find()// ORconst articles = await queryContent('articles')  .sort({ title: 1 })  .sort({ category: -1 })  .find()// Sort by nested fieldconst articles = await queryContent('articles')  .sort({ 'category.title': 1 })  .find()

sort() method does case-sensitive sort by default. There is some magical options you can pass to sort options to change sort behavior, like sorting case-insensitive.

  • $sensitivity: Change case sensitivity. Like using $sensitivity: 'base' for case-insensitive sort
  • $numeric: Whether numeric collation should be used, such that "1" < "2" < "10".
  • $caseFirst: Whether upper case or lower case should sort first.

These options are given to Intl.Collator().


  • count
    • Type: Number
    • Required

Limit number of results.

// fetch only 5 articlesconst articles = await queryContent('articles').limit(5).find()


  • count
    • Type: Number
    • Required

Skip results.

// fetch the next 5 articlesconst articles = await queryContent('articles')    .skip(5)    .limit(5)    .find()


  • keys
    • Type: Array or String
    • Required

Remove a subset of fields.

const articles = await queryContent('articles').without('unused-key').find()const articles = await queryContent('articles').without(['unused-key', 'another-unused-key']).find()


  • keys
    • Type: Array or String
    • Required

Select a subset of fields.

const articles = await queryContent('articles').only('id').find()const articles = await queryContent('articles').only(['id', 'title']).find()


Fetch and return the list of matched contents based on the query.

// List of articlesconst articles = await queryContent('articles').find()


Fetch the first match of content.

const firstArticle = await queryContent('articles').findOne()

findSurround(path, options)

  • path
    • Type: String
    • Required
  • options
    • Type: { before: number, after: number }
    • Default: { before: 1, after: 1 }

Get the previous and next results around the path. The path should be the full path of the target content.

You will always obtain an array of fixed length filled with the matching document or null.

const [prev, next] = await queryContent()  .only(['_path', 'title'])  .sort({ date: 1})  .where({ isArchived: false })  .findSurround('/articles/article-2')// Returns[  {    title: 'Article 1',    _path: '/articles/article-1'    //...  },  null // no article-3 here]