Programmatic Usage

$content is accessible from @nuxt/content.

Beware that you can access it only after the module has been loaded by Nuxt. require('@nuxt/content') should happen in hooks or internal Nuxt methods.
export default {  modules: [    '@nuxt/content'  ],  generate: {    async ready () {      const { $content } = require('@nuxt/content')      const files = await $content().only(['slug']).fetch()      console.log(files)    }  }}

Static Site Generation

Since Nuxt 2.14+, nuxt generate has a crawler feature integrated which will crawl all your links and generate your routes based on those links. Therefore you do not need to do anything in order for your dynamic routes to be crawled.

Also, nuxt generate will automagically skip webpack build step when no code has been changed and use the previous build using cache. The content module integrates with this feature to ignore changes inside the content/ folder. In other terms, when changing the content of your site and deploying, the build will be skipped.

Learn more in this article.

When using Nuxt <= 2.12, you might need to specify the dynamic routes with generate.routes


export default {  modules: [,    '@nuxt/content'  ],  generate: {    async routes () {      const { $content } = require('@nuxt/content')      const files = await $content({ deep: true }).only(['path']).fetch()      return => file.path === '/index' ? '/' : file.path)    }  }}
Recommended to use Nuxt 2.14+ with nuxt generate because it's awesome!


The module adds some hooks you can use:


Allows you to modify the contents of a file before it is handled by the parsers.


  • file
  • Type: Object
  • Properties:
    • path: String
    • extension: String (ex: .md)
    • data: String


Changing all appearances of react to vue in all Markdown files:

hooks: {  'content:file:beforeParse': (file) => {    if (file.extension !== '.md') return =, 'vue')  }}


Allows you to add data to a document before it is stored.



When building a blog, you can use file:beforeInsert to add readingTime to a document using reading-time.

text is the body content of a markdown file before it is transformed to JSON AST. You can use at this point, but it is not returned by the API.

export default {  modules: [,    '@nuxt/content'  ],  hooks: {    'content:file:beforeInsert': (document) => {      if (document.extension === '.md') {        const { time } = require('reading-time')(document.text)        document.readingTime = time      }    }  }}


You might want to parse markdown inside a .json file. You can access the parsers from the database object:

export default {  modules: [,    '@nuxt/content'  ],  hooks: {    'content:file:beforeInsert': async (document, database) => {      if (document.extension === '.json' && document.body) {        const data = await database.markdown.toJSON(document.body)        Object.assign(document, data)      }    }  }}


Extend the content options, useful for modules that wants to read content options when normalized and apply updated to it.



export default {  modules: [,    '@nuxt/content'  ],  hooks: {    'content:options': (options) => {      console.log('Content options:', options)    }  }}

Handling Hot Reload

When you are in development mode, the module will automatically call nuxtServerInit store action (if defined) and $nuxt.refresh() to refresh the current page.

In case you want to listen to the event to do something more, you can listen on content:update event on client-side using $nuxt.$on('content:update'):

export default function ({ store }) {  // Only in development  if ( {    window.onNuxtReady(($nuxt) => {      $nuxt.$on('content:update', ({ event, path }) => {        // Refresh the store categories        store.dispatch('fetchCategories')      })    })  }}

And then add your plugin in your nuxt.config.js:

export default {  plugins: [    '@/plugins/update.client.js'  ]}

Now everytime you will update a file in your content/ directory, it will also dispatch the fetchCategories method. This documentation uses it actually. You can learn more by looking at plugins/init.js.

API Endpoint

This module exposes an API endpoint in development so you can easily see the JSON of each directory or file, it is available on http://localhost:3000/_content/. The prefix is _content by default and can be configured with the apiPrefix property.


-| content/---| articles/------||| settings.json

Will expose on localhost:3000:

  • /_content/articles: list the files in content/articles/
  • /_content/articles/hello-world: get as JSON
  • /_content/index: get as JSON
  • /_content/settings: get settings.json as JSON
  • /_content: list index and settings

The endpoint is accessible on GET and POST request, so you can use query params: http://localhost:3000/_content/articles?only=title&only=description&limit=10.

Since v1.4.0, this endpoint also supports where in query params:

  • All the keys that don't belong to any of the default ones will be applied to where


  • You can use $operators with _:


This module uses LokiJS under the hood. You can check here for query examples.


You can learn more about that endpoint in lib/middleware.js.