This module globally injects $content instance, meaning that you can access it anywhere using this.$content. For plugins, asyncData, nuxtServerInit and Middleware, you can access it from context.$content.


$content(path, options?)

  • path
    • Type: String
    • Default: /
  • options
    • Type: Object
    • Default: {}
    • Version: >= v1.3.0
  • options.deep
    • Type: Boolean
    • Default: false
    • Version: >= v1.3.0
    • Fetch files from subdirectories
  • options.text
    • Type: Boolean
    • Default: false
    • Version: >= v1.4.0
    • Returns the original markdown content in a text variable
  • Returns a chain sequence

You can also give multiple arguments: $content('articles', params.slug) will be translated to /articles/${params.slug}

path can be a file or a directory. If path is a file, fetch() will return an Object, if it's a directory it will return an Array.

All the methods below can be chained and return a chain sequence, except fetch which returns a Promise.


  • keys
    • Type: Array | String
    • required

Select a subset of fields.

const { title } = await this.$content('article-1').only(['title']).fetch()


  • keys
    • Type: Array | String
    • required

Remove a subset of fields.

const { title, ...propsWithoutBody } = await this.$content('article-1').without(['body']).fetch()


  • query
    • Type: Object
    • required

Filter results by query.

Where queries are based on subset of mongo query syntax, it handles for example: $eq, $ne, $gt, $gte, $lt, $lte, $in, ...

// implicit (assumes $eq operator)const articles = await this.$content('articles').where({ title: 'Home' }).fetch()// explicit $eqconst articles = await this.$content('articles').where({ title: { $eq: 'Home' } }).fetch()// $gtconst articles = await this.$content('articles').where({ age: { $gt: 18 } }).fetch()// $inconst articles = await this.$content('articles').where({ name: { $in: ['odin', 'thor'] } }).fetch()

In order to filter in objects and array you need to enable nestedProperties, see configuration.

const products = await this.$content('products').where({ 'categories.slug': { $contains: 'top' } }).fetch()const products = await this.$content('products').where({ 'categories.slug': { $contains: ['top', 'woman'] } }).fetch()

This module uses LokiJS under the hood, you can check for query examples.

sortBy(key, direction)

  • key
    • Type: String
    • required
  • direction
    • Type: String
    • Value: 'asc' or 'desc'
    • Default: 'asc'

Sort results by key.

const articles = await this.$content('articles').sortBy('title').fetch()

Can be chained multiple times to sort on multiple fields.

sortBy method does case-sensitive sort, which is currently not configurable.If you need case-insensitive sorting, check out this snippet on how to work around it.


  • n
    • Type: String | Number
    • required

Limit number of results.

// fetch only 5 articlesconst articles = await this.$content('articles').limit(5).fetch()


  • n
    • Type: String | Number
    • required

Skip results.

// fetch the next 5 articlesconst articles = await this.$content('articles').skip(5).limit(5).fetch()

search(field, value)

  • field
    • Type: String
    • required
  • value
    • Type: String

Performs a full-text search on a field. value is optional, in this case field is the value and search will be performed on all defined full-text search fields.

The fields you want to search on must be defined in options in order to be indexed, see configuration.

Using an empty string as parameter will skip the search.

// Search on field titleconst articles = await this.$content('articles').search('title', 'welcome').fetch()// Search on all pre-defined fieldsconst articles = await this.$content('articles').search('welcome').fetch()// Search will be skipped if the search string is emptyconst articles = await this.$content('articles').search('').fetch()
Check out this snippet on how to implement search into your app

surround(slugOrPath, options)

  • slugOrPath
    • Type: String
    • required
  • options
    • Type: Object
    • Default: { before: 1, after: 1}

Get prev and next results around a specific slug or path.

You will always obtain an array of fixed length filled with the maching document or null.

const [prev, next] = await this.$content('articles')  .only(['title', 'path'])  .sortBy('date')  .where({ isArchived: false })  .surround('article-2')  .fetch()// Returns[  {    title: 'Article 1',    path: 'article-1'  },  null // no article-3 here]

search, limit and skip are ineffective when using this method.

Getting results based on path is only supported since v1.12.0
Check out this snippet on how to implement prev and next links into your app


  • Returns: Promise<Object> | Promise<Array>

Ends the chain sequence and collects data.


Checks if the .md file exists in content directory or not.

It should be inserted after the fetch().


const articles = await this.$content('articles')  .only(['title', 'date', 'authors'])  .sortBy('date', 'asc')  .limit(5)  .skip(10)  .where({    tags: 'testing',    isArchived: false,    date: { $gt: new Date('2020-03-31') },    rating: { $gte: 3 }  })  .search('welcome')  .fetch()  .catch((err) => {     error({ statusCode: 404, message: 'Page not found' })  })

You can check how to use the Content API in development.